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Title:Cow sound replayer with online database
Development of a cow sound library which features an online databsee

Project members:
Bounty:0 EUR   Out of 0 EUR originally submitted.
Description:A program that could play cow sounds such as "Mooooohh" and Moaaaww"

Should be adaptable to any OS and platform there is, so needs to be written in
C(ow) and/or C(ow)++, scripting enhancement would be nice (AREXX only please -
not python, my cows are afraid of snakes)

An online database will be made available by me (as soon as i get that dumb
cow to say anything) on http://cow-farm.cow.uk/trance/cowsounds

Donations will be payed back in milk and/or cheese, butter and whatever comes
out of the cows
Created by:orgin
Created at:20071124 11:37
Deadline:Not set
Finished at:Not finished
Last update:20080731 12:53
Assigned to:Not assigned
Suggested by:TEH Cow Farmer

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