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Task list:

- Check HTML validity

- Create Edit Events button
- Event notifications, like new projects and whatnot
- Add user settings
- Check all read/write permissions in install script
- Define project permissions
- Delete user
- Delete project
- Delete update
- Select licensing model
- Create a better installer
- Project status summery
- Add non event driven events outside the website engine (1.0+)
- Add donation account table and autogeneration html for it (1.0+)
- Redo the site engine to do business logic before rendering (1.0+)
- And much more

- Fix anonymous user reply button error Done

- Add option for resending verification email Done

- Release of 0.18, done

- Add "_-" as possible characters at login Done

- Locked threads can't be commented by moderators/admins Done

- Add content page ordering page Done

- Add ability to print content pages and news items Done

- Add ability to have space and = in bb url tag parameters Done

- Add a better bbparser with recursive, table and ul/li support Done

- Add Active users Done
- Add project forums Done

- Fix IE related layout problems Done

- Add joined date to members list and view profile Done
- Add report system to ease money transactions after consuming Done
- Add consume all project donations Done
- Locked threads could not be read by anonymous users Done
- Make individual donations consumable Done

- Add monthly target and monthly statistics for individual projects Done

- Ability to hide attached files from files lists Done

- Release of 0.17, done
- Add ability to attach files to pages Done
- Add ability to attach files to news Done
- Add ability to attach files to projects Done

- Add ability to group content pages in folders Done

- fix problem with locked threads and permissions Done
- add a space between news item synopsis and text Done

- Fix project member list html error Done

- Move recent forum activity list into standardhtml Done

- Release of 0.16, done
- Make thread header title a link to thread Done
- Add ability to upload and use forum icons Done

- Fix missing quote color setting in release directory Done
- Improve isEmail() function. Done
- escape string on email in users_class. Done

- Release of 0.15, done
- List recent forum comments on profile page Done
- Add delete forum Done
- Add move thread Done
- Add delete thread Done
- Add paging to forum thread list Done
- remove local $dis parameter Done
- remove local _insertDis function Done

- Add and use default message image folder Done
- Add and use default forum image folder Done
- Add getImage function for default theming Done
- Add and use default function link image folder Done
- Paint lots of forum icons Done
- Fix default other user avatar bug Done
- Fix comment preview bug Done
- Add forum configuration Done
- Add view forums Done
- Add add thread Done
- Add comment in thread Done
- Add view recently commented threads Done

- Edit forum groups and forums Done
- Create forum groups and forums Done

- Add forum and thread classes Done

- Fix table error on view profile comments page Done
- Fix page navigator division by zero bug Done

- Fix backdoor spam contact and registering Done

- Release of 0.14.1, done
- Forgot to update the sql files in the last release Done

- Release of 0.14, done
- Show uniqueID in donation lists for correct users Done
- Make project view depend on donation statusDone
- Make all project lists depend on donation status Done
- Make stat function depend on donation status Done
- Update add/edit donation for status/unique id Done
- Add Donation.status to donations Done
- Add Donation.uniqueID for paypal transactions Done
- Create uniqueID() function Done

- Create Subscriptions and Events classes Done
- Create Subscription and Event classes Done
- Add tables Subscription and Event Done

- Add credit to ken lester jr in licence file Done
- Add contact page Done

- Release of 0.13, done
- Add message counters Done
- Create Send Message button Done
- Add paging to message system Done
- Add column sorting to message system Done
- Read date is never set, fix! Done
- Don't highlight marked messages in sent folder Done
- Add basic user to user message system Done

- Add and modify klesterjr's message icons Done

- Created Messages and Folders classes Done
- Created Message and Folder classes Done
- Created Message and Folder tables Done

- Release of 0.12, done
- Prevent adding new projects before there are any categories Done
- Fix category creation bug in category class Done
- Update category tree before rendering in admin Done

- Fix project list status link bug, thanks Hans! Done

- Release of 0.11, done
- Add missing return button on monthly donation page Done
- Create View Tasks and View Projects icons Done

- Show donations on view profile page Done
- Rearrange view profile page with sub pages Done

- Montly submissions with totals and individual donations Done

- Release of 0.10, done
- Create icons for recent page Done
- RSS Feed for updates Done
- Add recent projects Done
- RSS Feed for projects Done
- Rebuild recent page to have sub pages Done
- RSS Feed for news Done

- Comment field in project table for suggestions etc Done
- Assigned to name is missing in task form! Add it! Done

- Create INTEGRATION.txt and describe methods for paypal integration: IPN/PDT/Email Done
- Add optional paypal autogenerated html and example code Done

- Display all comments by user Done
- Display recent comments on view profile Done
- Chmod all files created by the application Done

- Fix: Can't submit or enter user data in newer php versions Done
- Fix: The install files aren't copied correctly Done
- Fix: escape string doesn't work the same way under windows Done
- Prevent empty username from being stored in the database Done
- Prevent empty password from being stored in the database Done

- Add field for auto generated paypal html Done

- Top project list. Done

- Bounty top list. Done

- Make first alpha release. Done
- Create simple installer. Done

Older updates
Updates lost in database mishap
Liquorice bounty engine, Created in 2007-2008 by Björn Hagström